Adineta gracilis Janson, 1893 var. 5 |
Adineta gracilis 5, specimen from (3), creeping, dorsoventral view |
Adineta gracilis 5, specimen from (3), lateral view |
Adineta gracilis, 2 aspects of the head, left: dorsal view; right: ventral view. |
Adineta gracilis, foot with spurs that differ from the spurs of other A. gracilis morphotypes. Spurs with interspace (ratio IW : SBW≈ 1) |
Adineta gracilis var. 5, two aspects of the trophi of specimen macerated with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), dorsal view. Aside the major components of the ramate trophi: manubria (M), rami (R) and unci (U) at the anterior part is a structure (?membrane?) that maybe part of the buccal tube (BT). |
Collection of samples by courtesy of Pit Staedtler, Gevelsberg. |
Location: Schalders, South Tirol, Italy |
Habitat: dry moss |
Date: 04.01.2021 |